SRTA Advisory Board Meeting – Thursday, February 18
Date: Thursday February 18, 2016 5:00 pm
Place: 1 Government Center, Fall River
Main Floor, Cafeteria
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
• November 19, 2015
4. Citizen’s Participation
5. Operator’s Report
6. Civil Rights Update
7. Old Business
• Title VI
8. New Business
• FY16 Budget Update
• Preliminary FY17 Funding Outlook
9. Chairman’s Remarks
10. Adjournment
Subject matter listed in the Agenda, above, consists of those items that are reasonably anticipated (by the Chairman) to be discussed at this meeting. Not all items listed may, in fact, be discussed and other items not listed (such as urgent business not available at the time of posting) may also be brought up for discussion in accordance with applicable law.
MGL, Ch 30a, S 20(e) requires anyone that intends to record any portions of a public meeting, either by audio or video, or both, to notify the Chairman at the beginning of the meeting.