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SRTA Executive Compensation Committee – Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Date:  Tuesday September 28, 2021 2:20 pm Place:  Virtual Meeting via Webex 1-408-418-9388 Meeting number (access code): 2633 899 5008 Meeting password: 69439968 Call to Order Roll Call Approve Minutes May 13, 2021 New Business Review Compensation for Executive Staff Adjournment Subject matter listed in the Agenda, above, consists of …

SRTA Audit and Finance Committee – Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Date:  Tuesday September 28, 2021 2:00 pm Place:  Virtual Meeting via Webex 1-408-418-9388 Meeting number (access code): 2633 899 5008 Meeting password: 69439968 Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Approve Minutes May 13, 2021 New Business Elect Chair FY21 Audit Presentation Adjournment Subject matter listed in the Agenda, above, consists …