SRTA Hacks for Riding

The goal of Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) is to get riders where they need to be in the easiest way possible throughout our system on South Coast. Whether it’s for work or play, SRTA wants to get you there safely and quickly – with the minimum of hassle.
That’s why we’ve compiled this list of simple SRTA Hacks for Riding. Being in the know will help get you where you want to go!
The #SRTA Hacks are:
- DOWNLOAD A SCHEDULE: If you travel one or more SRTA routes frequently, did you know you can download a PDF schedule right to your smartphone? You can! Simply go to the Schedules page for New Bedford here and Fall River here, click on your route, and then select download when your schedule appears. Do it once and you’ll always have it handy to pull up on your phone when riding.
- FILL YOUR CHARLIE CARD: Nothing speeds up your trip more than using a Charlie Card for your fare. Plus, you get a discount when using the card! There’s no fumbling for change when you use a Charlie Card – and you can get or refill yours at both our New Bedford and Fall River terminals. Plus, you can refill your card online here, and it’s automatically activated the next time you hop on a SRTA bus.
- CHECK THE SIGNS: SRTA’s new electronic arrival signs at the New Bedford and Fall River terminals provide you with real-time route information. When you arrive at a terminal, check them out to find out where your bus is – and exactly when it’s scheduled to pull in and pick you up.
- WEAR A MASK: Yeah, we know. The mask thing is a bummer. But, federal mandates for public transportation have now been extended into January, 2022. It’s not just SRTA asking you to mask up, it’s Uncle Sam, too. And, it’s for the health and safety of our riders and drivers.
- GET SCHEDULE UPDATES & ROUTE DETOURS: As New Englanders, we all know that the weather can be a challenge at times. SRTA will never put you or our drivers at risk, so when there’s severe weather we may have to switch things up. You can stay on top of any updates and detours by following SRTA on Facebook and Twitter where we post and tweet the information you need when Mother Nature acts up.